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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da Giovanni_14 Lun 25 Nov 2013 - 22:22

Senza parole.
Membro di riguardo
Membro di riguardo

Data d'iscrizione : 10.04.11
Numero di messaggi : 553
Località : Sassari
Provincia : Sassari
Occupazione/Hobby : Musica e Sport
Impianto : Sorgente Giradischi Rebel revolver, testina audiotechnica at 13, Ampli Onix A55 mkII diffusori Acoustical RS 2

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da fritznet Mar 26 Nov 2013 - 1:06

In this proud land we grew up strong
We were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail

No fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
But no-one wants you when you lose

Don't give up 'cause you have friends
Don't give up you're not beaten yet
Don't give up I know you can make it good

Though I saw it all around
Never thought that I could be affected
Thought that we'd be last to go
It is so strange the way things turn
Drove the night toward my home
The place that I was born, on the lakeside
As daylight broke, I saw the earth
The trees had burned down to the ground

Don't give up you still have us
Don't give up we don't need much of anything
Don't give up 'cause somewhere there's a place where we belong

Rest your head
You worry too much
It's going to be alright
When times get rough
You can fall back on us
Don't give up
Please don't give up

Got to walk out of here
I can't take anymore
Going to stand on that bridge
Keep my eyes down below
Whatever may come
and whatever may go
That river's flowing
That river's flowing

Moved on to another town
Tried hard to settle down
For every job, so many men
So many men no-one needs

Don't give up 'cause you have friends
Don't give up you're not the only one
Don't give up no reason to be ashamed
Don't give up you still have us
Don't give up now we're proud of who you are
Don't give up you know it's never been easy
Don't give up 'cause I believe there's a place
There's a place
Where we belong

Don't give up
Don't give up
Don't give up

Peter Gabriel
Membro classe diamante
Membro classe diamante

Data d'iscrizione : 27.02.10
Numero di messaggi : 10093
Località : Grønlænd
Provincia : querceto
Occupazione/Hobby : morto che pialla
Impianto : lol-fi

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da Giovanni_14 Mar 26 Nov 2013 - 2:33

fritznet ha scritto:

In this proud land we grew up strong
We were wanted all along
I was taught to fight, taught to win
I never thought I could fail

No fight left or so it seems
I am a man whose dreams have all deserted
I've changed my face, I've changed my name
But no-one wants you when you lose

Don't give up 'cause you have friends
Don't give up you're not beaten yet
Don't give up I know you can make it good

Though I saw it all around
Never thought that I could be affected
Thought that we'd be last to go
It is so strange the way things turn
Drove the night toward my home
The place that I was born, on the lakeside
As daylight broke, I saw the earth
The trees had burned down to the ground

Don't give up you still have us
Don't give up we don't need much of anything
Don't give up 'cause somewhere there's a place where we belong

Rest your head
You worry too much
It's going to be alright
When times get rough
You can fall back on us
Don't give up
Please don't give up

Got to walk out of here
I can't take anymore
Going to stand on that bridge
Keep my eyes down below
Whatever may come
and whatever may go
That river's flowing
That river's flowing

Moved on to another town
Tried hard to settle down
For every job, so many men
So many men no-one needs

Don't give up 'cause you have friends
Don't give up you're not the only one
Don't give up no reason to be ashamed
Don't give up you still have us
Don't give up now we're proud of who you are
Don't give up you know it's never been easy
Don't give up 'cause I believe there's a place
There's a place
Where we belong

Don't give upy
Don't give up
Don't give up

Peter Gabriel
Grazie a nome di tutti i sardi, credo che anche Gabriel approverebbe, lui che ''this proud land'' la conosce bene.
Membro di riguardo
Membro di riguardo

Data d'iscrizione : 10.04.11
Numero di messaggi : 553
Località : Sassari
Provincia : Sassari
Occupazione/Hobby : Musica e Sport
Impianto : Sorgente Giradischi Rebel revolver, testina audiotechnica at 13, Ampli Onix A55 mkII diffusori Acoustical RS 2

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da fritznet Mar 26 Nov 2013 - 2:46

Giovanni_14 ha scritto:
Grazie a nome di tutti i sardi, credo che anche Gabriel approverebbe, lui che ''this proud land'' la conosce bene.
Mi sembrava scritta proprio per momenti come quelli che state affrontando.
Membro classe diamante
Membro classe diamante

Data d'iscrizione : 27.02.10
Numero di messaggi : 10093
Località : Grønlænd
Provincia : querceto
Occupazione/Hobby : morto che pialla
Impianto : lol-fi

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da adriano gaddari Mar 26 Nov 2013 - 14:07

Isle Crying or Very sad

adriano gaddari
Membro classe bronzo
Membro classe bronzo

Data d'iscrizione : 27.08.11
Numero di messaggi : 1265
Località : nuoro
Provincia : trasparente
Occupazione/Hobby : artigiano del vetro
Impianto : ANALOGICO -lenco l 78 se con plinto in vetro stratificato (avatar )-stanton 681 EE-goldring 2100
phono -- Graham Slee Amp 2 se
DIGITALE -- marantz cd 75II -macbook con audirvana 3 - m2tech
hiface two - Denafrips Ares dac

PRE--music first audio classic -- Itube di Ifi Audio FINALI--mono hypex ucd 180 hxl - trends 10.1
DIFFUSORI--Dipole glass by Gaddari , prog R39 Audiojam2 modificato
ALIMENTAZIONE-furutek ( linea dedicata + ciabatta autocostruita )-- SEGNALE- saec - monster cable - Van Den Hul- Ramm Elite- Rj 142 POTENZA- tellurium blue
CUFFIE-- akg q 701

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da RAIS Gio 19 Dic 2013 - 16:40

Grande pezzo da brividi , un abbraccio affettuoso a tutti i Sardi che ancora oggi lottano per rialzarsi , sono sicurio che pian piano ci riuscirete sunny 

Membro di riguardo
Membro di riguardo

Data d'iscrizione : 25.11.13
Numero di messaggi : 583
Località : Sicilia
Provincia : Palermo
Impianto :

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Ai sardi persi nel diluvio Empty Re: Ai sardi persi nel diluvio

Messaggio Da Giovanni_14 Gio 19 Dic 2013 - 20:56

RAIS ha scritto:Grande pezzo da brividi , un abbraccio affettuoso a tutti i Sardi che ancora oggi lottano per rialzarsi , sono sicurio che pian piano ci riuscirete sunny 
Membro di riguardo
Membro di riguardo

Data d'iscrizione : 10.04.11
Numero di messaggi : 553
Località : Sassari
Provincia : Sassari
Occupazione/Hobby : Musica e Sport
Impianto : Sorgente Giradischi Rebel revolver, testina audiotechnica at 13, Ampli Onix A55 mkII diffusori Acoustical RS 2

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